【硬盘监测工具】Active@ Hard Disk Monitor Pro下载3.0英文版
Active@ Hard Disk Monitor Pro是一款可以帮助你监测本地硬盘的工具软件
Active@ Hard Disk Monitor 2.0
Do not let your hard drive die suddenly!
Check and monitor the health of your disks to prevent data loss using Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.).
Detect bad sectors on a disk surface by running Advanced Disk Scan. Get the instant disk health information from the application running in the System Tray.
Registered Name: Ralf Paulsen
Registration Key: 00001K-7DY0NZ-9KHU5C-V9F79E-TRY8PX-KVJJMJ-T0RX93-H1WC92-CM70E8-FNAG6M-22CEFD