下载工具支持Youtube等流行视频分享Download Accelerator Manager (DAM) 是个具有断点续传、任务安排以及下载管理的工具。Download Accelerator Manager断点续传会在下载出现意外停止(例如:失去连接、停电或网络故障)后能够继续进行下载。Download Accelerator Manager 可以从受保护的站点获得文件,并且支持网站cookie、代理、HTTP、FTP协议和重定向。并且支持Youtube等流行视频分享网站的在线视频下载
Download Accelerator Manager (Free Edition) is a download manager that integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, and Opera. It enables you to pause and resume downloads, save them for later and sort them into categories. The program supports password protected sites, cookies, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols as well as proxy connections, firewalls and URL redirections.